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Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that is used to fix problems associated with the bone or joints. It involves transplanting bone tissue, and in the field of dentistry, it is most commonly completed so that there is enough bone available to support dental implants.

Major Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is essential in repairing implant sites to contain adequate bone structure. This may be needed due to tooth loss, previous extractions, trauma, or gum disease. The bone will either be harvested from somewhere else in your body, such as the tibia, hip or jaw, or it can be taken from a cadaver or animal source. Special membranes are also used to encourage bone regeneration and bone grafts, and the most successful regeneration efforts will occur when using live bone from your own body.

Major bone grafting is usually performed in order to repair jaw defects. These may have resulted from congenital defects, tumor surgery, or some type of traumatic injury. The largest defects are typically corrected using the patient’s own bone, and the procedures are generally performed in an operating room and may require an overnight hospital stay.

Benefits of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting will be done to restore the bone in your jaw to its previous form, and it may also be used to maintain the existing bone structure after you have had teeth extracted. These activities are important for several reasons. First, dental implant placement will require that the bone of the jaw is as close to the original dimensions as possible in order to achieve optimal results. Additionally, the jaw and facial bones will support the muscles and skin that make up your facial shape and appearance, and without this underlying support, your face may look prematurely aged.

Guided Tissue Regeneration
Yakima Valley Periodontics Pre GTR
One Year After
Yakima Valley Periodontics 1yr post GTR

Preparing for Your Bone Grafting Procedure

Prior to the surgery, you'll need to go through a periodontal treatment known as scaling and root planing. You should also be sure to care for you teeth properly by brushing and flossing twice per day.

Anesthesia will be used during the procedure, so it is important that you follow the steps outlined by your dentist or surgeon in order to prepare for the procedure. This will likely involve avoiding food and beverages for six hours prior to your appointment, not smoking, and taking other precautions. Our team will outline all of the preparation steps you need to take prior to your appointment.

After Your Bone Grafting Procedure

Following your bone grafting procedure, you'll likely be prescribed pain medication to help with your discomfort. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding how often and when to take any medications that you are prescribed. Swelling is also common, and you can use an ice pack placed on the outside of your mouth to help with this.

It is important to keep your mouth as clean as possible as you heal. Be sure to brush and floss the unaffected portions of your mouth normally. Your surgeon or dentist will provide additional tips on how to safely keep the rest of your mouth clean.
Yakima Valley Periodontics
John M. Iasella, D.D.S.
(509) 452-7115
410 S. 12th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902

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