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Crown Lengthening

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slide show image Yakima Valley Periodontics crown lengthening Initial1 width of 600 pixels
Crown lengthening is a procedure that can be performed for cosmetic or restorative treatment. Gum contouring, the cosmetic procedure, is a performed to remove extra gum tissue in order to improve the appearance of a smile. Crown elongation, or crown extension, is a surgical procedure that is done to remove some gum tissue from a tooth which is too short to provide adequate retention for a restoration (usually a crown).

Gum Contouring

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile because you believe it looks too "gummy"? Many people with excess gum tissue are, so you may be happy to hear that there is an option out there that will make your smile more esthetically balanced. To be a candidate for gum contouring, you will need to have healthy gums and teeth.

Reasons for Gum Contouring

•  Too much gum tissue. Extra gum tissue will make your smile appear gummy, and gum contouring can remove the excess to leave your smile looking more proportionate.
•  An uneven gum line. Gum contouring can sculpt the gum line so that it appears more even.
•  Small teeth. Too much gum tissue can make small teeth look even tinier, and gum contouring can help your teeth to appear more appropriately sized.

In the past, gum contouring was performed with a scalpel in order to remove excess gum tissue. Fortunately, advances in dental technology have made the process faster and easier than ever before. A soft tissue laser will be used to gently remove a portion of the gums while sealing the tissue simultaneously in order to promote healing and to stop bleeding. The final result is a smile that instantly appears more balanced, and the entire procedure can be completed in a single visit.

Restorative Crown Lengthening

When a tooth has a deep cavity, a crown and buildup are usually needed to restore the tooth. If the cavity extends too far below the gums, it becomes impossible to predictably make a crown that will last for any length of time. Performing crown lengthening where indicated improves the prognosis for the tooth.

Crown lengthening nearly always involves removing and recontouring some of the bone around the tooth. This results in more tooth structure above the gums and smooth flowing gum contours. Not every tooth that needs a crown also needs crown lengthening surgery, it is only necessary when a deep cavity or crack is present.

Reasons for Restorative Crown Lengthening

•  To be able to keep a tooth that would otherwise be removed
•  Provide gum contours that make the tooth easy-to-clean again
•  Provide a restored tooth that lasts longer

In the restorative procedure, first Dr. Iasella will thoroughly numb the tooth or teeth needing crown lengthening. During this procedure, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. After the procedure, the tooth can then be prepared for a functional, long-lasting crown. As always, proper brushing and flossing is key to ensuring the maximum life of your new crown.
Yakima Valley Periodontics
John M. Iasella, D.D.S.
(509) 452-7115
410 S. 12th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902

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Yakima Valley Periodontics, 410 S. 12th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902 • (509) 452-7115 • • 2/16/2025 • Related Terms: Periodontist Yakima WA •