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Soft Tissue Grafting

slide show image Yakima Valley Periodontics Connective tissue grafting 2
slide show image Yakima Valley Periodontics Connective tissue grafting 2
Are you concerned that your gums might be receding? Talk to our office about ways to treat the problem. Gum grafting is a name for periodontal procedures dedicated to strengthening certain areas of the gums in order to cover up an exposed tooth root surface. These exposed roots could be the result of gum recession due to gum disease, bite overload, or poorly positioned teeth. When you are suffering from advanced gum disease, you may notice that your gums start to pull away from your teeth. This can lead to increased sensitivity and a host of other problems, so you will need to work with Dr. Iasella to treat the issue before it can progress.

Treating Your Gum Recession

There are several ways that your gum recession can be treated. First, a professional cleaning can be used to stop the recession. This procedure is known as scaling and root planing, and it can help the gums to heal so that they don't recede further.

If you need more extensive treatment, a gum graft is often recommended. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, this option can repair the wounded areas where recession has occurred, and it can also help to prevent future infections.

What Happens During the Procedure?

During your grafting procedure, you'll be given a local anesthetic to help with your discomfort. Then, a tiny incision will be made at the site of the graft, creating a small tunnel to accommodate the new gum tissue. The gum tissue will be sutured into place so that it won't shift, and the healing process will take about six weeks to complete.

Types of Grafts

There are several different types of gum grafts available if this is the treatment option that you need to pursue, and your periodontist will help you to choose the right option:

•  Connective tissue grafts. This is the most common grafting procedure, and it takes tissue form the roof of your mouth before stitching it over the exposed root.

•  Free gingival graft. Similar to the connective tissue grafts, this option involves taking tissue directly from the palate.

•  Pedicle graft. This option uses tissue found next to the tooth that needs a repair in order to perform the graft.

Benefits of Gum Grafting

There are a few great benefits associated with gum grafting:

•  Improved appearance of your smile. Root exposure and receding gums can make your teeth look longer than normal, giving you a "toothy" grin. Grafting can improve this issue, making your smile look more symmetrical.

•  Better oral health. Gum disease can destroy your gum tissue quite quickly, but grafting can halt bone and tissue loss. This can prevent against future problems.

•  Reduced sensitivity. When the roots of the teeth are exposed, it can be pretty painful to drink or eat foods that are especially hot or cold. Grafting can cover the exposed root permanently, helping with your discomfort.

This procedure is quite common, and while the name might sound scary, it is performed routinely and provides for excellent results. If you have any questions about the procedure and whether you might be a candidate, please contact our office at (509) 452-7115.
Yakima Valley Periodontics
John M. Iasella, D.D.S.
(509) 452-7115
410 S. 12th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902

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